deletion|deletions in English


[de·le·tion || dɪ'liːʃn]

erasure, obliteratio

Use "deletion|deletions" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deletion|deletions" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deletion|deletions", or refer to the context using the word "deletion|deletions" in the English Dictionary.

1. Dashes indicate deletions to optimize the alignment.

2. Operational backup for Azure Blobs is a managed, local data protection solution that lets you protect your block Blobs from various data loss scenarios like blob corruptions, blob deletions, and accidental storage account deletion.

3. Remarkably, Complementation is observed only with pairs of permease molecules containing large deletions and not with missense mutations or point deletions

4. The Basilect has more significant differences such as copula deletion and do -deletion within direct questions

5. He amended his speech by making some additions and deletions.

6. She amended the speech by making some additions and deletions.

7. Bilabials final consonant deletion final position alveolars final consonant deletion final position palatals final consonant deletion palatal fronting stoppin g final position velars velar assimilation (will affect other target sounds) final consonant deletion velar fronting final position

8. Deletion of a vehicle from the register.

9. You can configure what colors to use for additions, deletions, and changes.

10. Non-autonomy Amplifies mosaic Vangl2 deletion

11. Right of access, correction and deletion

12. Deletion: one dollar per ten - tonnage.

13. The amendment should identify, by using complete clauses, any changes, additions or deletions.

14. 10 Deletion: one dollar per ten - tonnage.

15. Schema deletion failed: class is used as poss superior.

16. Abridgments of Shakespeare's plays, scripts abridged only through deletion

17. Deletion and mutation of CTCF is associated with cancer.

18. Schema deletion failed: class is used as auxiliary class.

19. You can also set up automatic deletion for older activity.

20. Number of all record deletions (6): absolute value and percentage of the census population;

21. In vitro transcription activity of N-terminal deletion of RAP

22. (6) Number of all record deletions ( 12 ): absolute value and percentage of the census population;

23. Indeed, large deletions of this domain in dystrophin result in only a very mild phenotype.

24. A Chromosome deletion is a form of Chromosome mutation

25. Abridgments of Shakespeare's plays, scripts abridged only through deletion